Albany International Airport offers a wide variety of convenient and economical parking locations. Most airport lots accept EZ-Pass Plus and all accept credit cards. Please refer to the Parking Rates tab for a breakdown of charges specific to each parking area.
Economy E-Lot - the economy lot is located to the southeast of the a
Short-Term - located directly across from the terminal on the first level of the North Parking Garage and in a signed area behind and next to the parking garage. Short Term allows those arriving for flights, dropping off or greeting passengers to park FREE for the first 30 minutes. Short-Term parking is $24 per-day.
Long-Term - the main Long Term lot is located behind the North Parking Garage. The entrance to the main Long Term defaults to an EZPass Plus lane if you have an EZPass Plus tag. If you do not wish to use your EZPass Plus to pay for your parking when you exit, please place your tag in an EZPass read prevention bag or use the Long Term entrance in the back of the garage. To get to the back entrance take the first left after driving in front of the North Garage. Long-Term Parking is $12 per day.
Garage (2 options) - Garage parking is available on floors 2, 3 and 4 of the North
Parking Garage (GP1) and on floors 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the South Parking Garage (GP2).
North and South Parking Garage rate is $18 per-day.
Electric Vechicle Charging Stations - There is no charge to charge while you park.
Customers with disabilities can find designated handicapped accessible parking in each parking lot, on each floor of the parking garage and in the long-term lot. Vehicles parked in designated handicapped spaces must have a handicapped license plate or visibly display a valid handicapped flag.
Parking Related Phone Numbers
Parking Information | (518) 242-2277 |
Airport Information Desk | (518) 242-2299 |
Airport Operations | (518) 242-2300 |
Albany County Sheriff | (518) 242-4401 |
Albany County Airport Authority | (518) 242-2222 |